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Your basement wall is leaking from rain – what to do about it

water stained basement floor

Discovering water on your basement floor, or worse, a soaking carpet or damaged laminate flooring can be the source of great stress, this happens often when a basement wall is leaking after heavy rains. In this post we help you cope with this situation.

So you went downstairs and discovered your basement wall is leaking from rain; this usually happens after a heavy rain and/or when snow melts rapidly. Perhaps you panicked and ran back upstairs to call your significant other, or maybe you are ready to take action right away.

Mopping up water and calling for help is stressful!

In this article we discuss what we know to be the most important aspects of dealing with wet basement situations, as well as considerations that have to be taken into account in how you respond.

Wondering how this could be happening? Check out our article on why basements leak

Handling Basement Leaks

The Situation in Your Basement

Your reaction upon discovering a wet basement depends very much upon the seriousness of the situation. If your basement is fully carpeted with expensive furnishings and numerous items or boxes resting on the floor, the potential consequences of a basement leaking are far more significant than if you have an unfinished basement with nothing in it.

In addition, the extent to which the basement is leaking, or has leaked, is also a major consideration in how to deal with the basement leak. A mere trickle of water coming from a foundation crack is one thing, while widescale flooding, a completely soaked carpet, or the presence of a large puddle in your basement is entirely another.

If you have alot of water in your basement, make sure that you check your furnace and other electrically operated equipment, and cut the power if needed. One lady we met had to replace her new $6000 furnace because water damaged the electronics inside it.

Leaking foundation cracks leave stains on the foundation wall

Wet drywall often ends up being mouldy

Water stained concrete block foundation

The Consequences of a Leaking Basement

Minor basement leaking, discovered for the first time, may require little more than some mopping up or towel drying of the affected area. Dealt with quickly, a minor basement wall leak is easily controlled and water management is all that you have to concern yourself with. On the other hand, a major leak or significant ongoing basement leaking, not only requires a quick response but a systematic approach as well.

Most people do not deal with basement leaks on a regular basis. When the stakes are high, ie., your carpet is completely soaked and your furnishings are getting, or risk being, ruined, you need to respond appropriately. How you respond to the situation in your basement ultimately determines the amount of damage your furnishings sustain, the replacement cost of water damaged items, and whether or not you lose that precious family photo album stored at the bottom of a box in your basement.

Your Next Steps for Dealing With Your Wet Basement

To respond effectively when a basement wall is leaking you need to take the correct action at the right time, particularly when the situation is urgent. It is difficult to stay calm during a stressful and urgent situation without a sound plan. For this reason, we have prepared a free downloadable Action Plan that you can use immediately to gain control over this situation. Download the action plan.

Who to call when your basement is leaking

Taking action upon discovering a wet basement carpet is a step in the right direction, but who should you call? It is natural to want to call the insurance company to deal with the cleanup and the cost of basement repairs; but did you know that basement seepage is not typically covered by your insurance policy? The most important thing that a homeowner can do is establish where the water came from. If the floor drain is backing up then, by all means, call your insurance company; if not, you are on your own.

In the event that the floor drain is not backing up, you probably have a leak that will need to be repaired by a waterproofing contractor. If the damage is severe then you should call a restoration company first to dry out your belongings and protect your possessions against further damage and mold growth.

If your basement wall is leaking we can stop it. Contact us.

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